
8 March 2024

Praise for Police on Fuel Station Visits

The 94 ‘prevention visits’ by police to service stations across Auckland last night, after a spate of violent robberies earlier this week, are a step in the right direction, the Motor Trade Association (MTA) says.

MTA Chief Executive Lee Marshall says the police action was welcome.

“It’s great to see police responding to the issue, and giving reassurance and support to businesses,” Mr Marshall says.

“It’s a serious problem, and it does show police are taking the problem seriously. Time will tell if they have a long-term benefit.

“Patrols for one or two nights are great but aren’t the only answer. We need long-term solutions to a problem that is causing substantial damage to businesses, and trauma and stress to staff.

“Someone is at real risk of serious injury, or worse, if this continues.”

Earlier this week Mr Marshall warned the country might be heading for a USA-style hell, where attendants serve customers behind thick protection, if the crime isn’t addressed.

“It’s up to Government to prevent that becoming a reality. They have talked tough on crime, now it’s time to deliver.

“We would happily meet with Government, as would service station owners and other at-risk retailers.

“The problem won’t go away on its own, so we’re asking for real leadership from the Government on the issue.”

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