
February 2025

Advocacy and Stakeholder Engagement

For nearly 100 years, the MTA has served as a champion for automotive professionals and a defender of the motoring public.

Our advocacy efforts have sparked dialogue with key players and driven change through engagement with Government, regulators, and media.

As a trusted voice, we are frequently sought out for our expertise and insights on issues that impact both our members and the broader motoring community. We proactively evaluate the impact of legislation on businesses and effectively communicate the perspectives of our members to Government decision-makers.

With a proactive approach, we work to mitigate potential issues before they affect our members or the public.

Find out more about what advocacy does >>

MITO submission:

MTA led the industry taskforce in submitting an industry response to the Government’s proposals on the future of vocational education and training. Collaborating with over 20 industry bodies and employers, we highlighted the challenges faced by employers and the proposed transitioning of MITO into an industry-owned entity.

The disestablishment of Te Pūkenga, and more importantly, what comes next, has been one of MTA's key advocacy focuses for this year. With labour and skill shortages being one of the biggest concerns for our members, providing a collective voice was key to ensuring that the industry's voice was heard.

We thank the other industry bodies and employers that contributed to this piece of work and look forward to the next steps in our conversation with the Government. MTA press release >>

Key Submissions:

If you would like to read any of the submissions above, please email [email protected] to request an electronic copy.