
March 2025

Basic Maintenance Tips

NZTA provide great information when it comes to your vehicle, so we've replicated their basic safety checks - you can do once a month and before your next roadie.

It doesn't take long to give your car a quick safety check. Give it a regular TWIRL and take it to and expert if anything is wrong.


  • Check the tread depth. Minimum legal depth is 1.5mm, but the more tread you have the better the grip and the safer you and your vehicle will be on the road
  • check the tyre pressure – correct levels can usually be found on the inside door frame
  • look for cracks or bubbles in the sides
  • look for sharp objects stuck in the tyres.

Check out our Tyre Checklist to find out how to read your tyre treads. 

Windscreen, wipers and mirrors

  • Check your wiper blades for wear and tear
  • clean your mirrors and windscreen inside and out
  • get your windscreen fixed if it’s chipped or cracked
  • check your windscreen washer fluid is full and the spray is working.


  • Turn your hazard lights on and walk around the car – check all indicators are flashing.


  • Keep an eye out for rust, especially in the key structural areas of your vehicle such as the pillars that front doors are hinged to.


  • Check lenses are clean and not cracked or hazy
  • check your headlights, reversing lights and brake lights are working. Check your back lights by reversing close to a wall so you can see the reflection in your rear view mirror.
Reference: "Check your car – safety basics", Waka Kotahi NZTA

Motoring Tips