Our free mediation service helps to resolve disputes between members and their customers in a friendly, efficient and unbiased way. The Mediation team has a high success rate of case resolution and are always ready to help.
But before we can assist, the Consumer Guarantees Act requires you to give them the opportunity to fix the problem. If you haven’t already done this you need to. If you still can’t resolve the problem, we can assist. However, it’s important that you understand that we can’t give legal advice to either you or an MTA member.
You can call the mediation team on 0508 682 633 or fill in our web-based mediation form and someone will be in touch.
Once we have a clear understanding of your situation, we will ask for your approval to contact the MTA member, to discuss the problem with them. We will keep you informed throughout the process. If you don’t want us to contact the MTA member, we will only be able to give you general guidance based on the information you provide.
We will encourage the MTA member to come up with a solution that is acceptable to you. However, we have no power to demand action from either them or you.
If you can’t agree a solution through our mediation process, you can take the matter to a disputes tribunal.
The information you give us will be held in strict confidence. We won’t share it with anyone without your permission. We use state of the art security technologies to safeguard your information and our strict security standards prevent any unauthorised access to it.
We may record phone conversations so we can check accuracy of our records.
You can ask for a copy of any information we hold about you at any time, and ask us to correct it if it’s wrong. Just contact us on 0508 682 633 or email mediation@mta.org.nz.